remove a file from git history

  • Post category:技术

It is straight forward to remove a file from the current commit or HEAD but if you want remove entirely from the repository’s history then you need to run couple of commands.

It took some trial and error for me to find something that worked for me

  • Find out the path fo the file in your repo
  • Execute Below command with file path

    git filter-branch –index-filter "git rm -rf –cached –ignore-unmatch path_to_file" HEAD

It’s a time intensive task might takes good amount of time to complete. As it has to check each commit and remove. For my repo which is ~10 years old took almost 10hours with 90K commits.

If you want to push it to remote repo just do git push

git push -all
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DNS related

  • Post category:技术

lookup record under mac

dscacheutil -q host -a name

Clear mac(big sur) dns cache

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

clear ios dns cache

enter airplane mode for 15 seconds

clear chrome dns cache


clear safari dns cache (doesn’t work for me…)

developer menu -> Empty cache 

Loading custom DNS on Mac Safari

遇到很诡异的问题,同样的 local domain 在 chrome 打得开,safari 打不开。弄了很久后,测试打开 DNSSEC 后 safari 就能用了


  • Forward local domain queries to upstream DNS
  • Enable DNSSEC support

Local DNS Server:

  • Enable DNSSEC
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[转] using Portainer on Qnap

  • Post category:技术

QNAP supports containers using its own Container Station, which is great to get some containers up and running fairly quick, but …

That is why some people, like me, want to use another Docker GUI for managing the containers, one is Portainer. Using the Container Station, Portainer is quite simple to be installed, but I struggled getting Portainer talking to QNAPs docker implementation. After I have figured it out, it was straight forward, but for everyone else struggling – let me help out.

Create Portainer Container

I assume that QNAPs Container Station is already installed and running, otherwise activate it in the App Store.

  1. Hit the Create button on the left menu and search for portainer.
  2. Hit Create once again on the portainer/portainer image found.
  3. Using the Advanced Settings define a shared folder. Mount a volume from host and define the mount point /data for it. This makes your configurations persistent.
  4. Also adjust the network settings. If you keep them default, portainer is available via http://NASIP:9000

Prepare Container Station as Portainer Endpoint

Portainer needs to talk to the Container Station docker implementation, this is done using TLS via specific port on your NAS IP. We need to make some adjustments in the background to make this work and export the certificates.

  1. In the Container Station open Preferences > Docker Certificate
  2. Download the certificate to your PC by clicking the Download button
  3. Use an appropriate tool to unzip it.
  4. Upload the files to your NAS. Use the File Station or any available share
  5. Login to the NAS via SSH using the admin user
  6. Create the directory by execute mkdir -pv ~/.docker
  7. Copy the files from the share/folder to this directory cp /yourfolderwithfiles/ ~/.docker/
  8. After this execute export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1

This is also described on the Docker Certificate site, slightly different but you should get the idea and the process.

Add the Container Station as an endpoint to Portainer
Adding the Container Station as an endpoint took some time to figure out, but it is easier then I thought at the end. First time logging in to Portainer you need to create an admin user. After that Portainer needs an endpoint to connect to.

Choose Docker environment or Remote Docker

  1. Define a name

  2. The endpoint URL is the one from the EXPORT command, like with the port included

  3. Keep the public IP empty

  4. Turn on TLS and choose TLS with server and client certificate

  5. Now we need the certificates stored on the computer to be uploaded. Choose the files as stated below

    TLS CA certificate == ca.pem
    TLS certificate == cert.pem
    TLS key == key.pem

  6. Click Add endpoint


Continue Reading[转] using Portainer on Qnap

管理 https 证书:Certbot

  • Post category:技术

今天在 github 看到一个 project 用 certbot 来管理证书,试用了下感觉还蛮简单的。主要有:

  • 开始的时候提供一个简版 nginx, 安装完 certbot 会自动修改 nginx conf
  • 自动生成 /etc/cron.d/certbot, 在 root 下面自动运行。

ps: Ubuntu Minimal 版本不带 cron, 所以要额外 sudo apt install cron


  1. Install nginx:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx
  1. Put the following config into /etc/nginx/sites-available/code-server with sudo:
server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    location / {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding gzip;

Remember to replace with your domain name!

  1. Enable the config:
sudo ln -s ../sites-available/code-server /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/code-server
sudo certbot --non-interactive --redirect --agree-tos --nginx -d -m

Make sure to substitute with your actual email.

Visit https://<your-domain-name> to access code-server. Congratulations!

Continue Reading管理 https 证书:Certbot

关闭 Ubuntu 20.04 Minimal 的 iptable 防火墙

  • Post category:技术

在 Oracle Cloud 安装了 mysql DB,从其他机器怎么都连接不上去。查了很久,一点点的确认下面几个层次的问题:

  • mysql bind address: 不是
  • mysql user: 不能指定 localhost
  • Ubuntu Firewalls: 关闭 iptables
  • Oracle Cloud subnet security rules: 开放内网 ip 端口

最复杂的是 iptables,机器安装后就已经一大串规则,我手动添加了开放 3306 端口后并没有效果。搞到我查了很久,以为哪里还有一层防火墙。


sudo iptables -F

# 或者这个命令清空所有 groups
iptables-save | awk '/^[*]/ { print $1 } 
                 /^:[A-Z]+ [^-]/ { print $1 " ACCEPT" ; }
                 /COMMIT/ { print $0; }' | iptables-restore


# add SSH port first
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT       # ssh
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT       # http
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT      # https
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT     # mysql

# Set default chain policies
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

# Accept on localhost
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT

# Allow established sessions to receive traffic
iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

最后切记要保存设置,要不然 reboot 设置会重置:

iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4

Oracle VM 开放 80/443 端口

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